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tv   FOX and Friends  FOXNEWSW  August 8, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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snowe -- how big would the story be? >> have a great day folks. "fox & friends" starts right now. >>gretchen: good morning everybody. it is thursday, august 8. hope you're going to have a great day. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for spending part of it with us today. president obama giving president putin the cold shoulder to get back at him for harboring n.s.a. leaker edward snowden. is that the right call or wrong one? >>steve: a 13-year-old white boy brutally beaten by african-american teens. why are civil rights leaders like al sharpton and jesse jackson silent? we'll report, you decide. >> we have a winner. three winners actually. are you one of them. we'll tell you where the winning powerball tickets were sold which is on "fox & friends," and we begin
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right now. ♪ ♪ >>gretchen: i'm surprised you're at work today, steve. two tickets in jersey. you have to be one of them. >>steve: when i got up this morning and heard the news there were two in new jersey, i immediately pulled it out. ladies and gentlemen, i hold in my hand a losing ticket. there are also a whole bunch of million-dollar winners and some people won hundreds of dollars. so i'm going to be watching in a second because heather has the numbers and i could actually be a winner, a small winner, but a winner. >>gretchen: how about you, ian? didn't win? one of those is from minnesota. if i get a call from a family member. >>steve: if you get a call from a family member and hear a steel drum in
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the background -- >>gretchen: they have already taken off. peter is in for brian today. good morning to you. now to your fox news headlines. the manhunt intensifies for a man accused of kidnapping two children. hannah and ethan anderson. the father begging the suspect, family friend, to surrender. >> jim, i can't fathom what you were thinking. the damage is done. i'm begging you to let my daughter go. you've taken everything else. hannah, we all love you very much. if you have a chance, you take it. you run. you'll be found. >>gretchen: that family friend is james dimaggio. he's suspected of murdering the children's mother and setting his house on fire. police found her body inside along with the remains of another child. that could be her child.
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we will speak to them later in the show. >> a bull breaks loose at a county fair south of saint paul, minnesota, trampling bystanders. >> what going on outside? oh my god. >>gretchen: eight people were hurt, one woman's injuries so serious she had to be airlifted to the hospital. a sherrifs deputy fired two shots at the animal. one bullet hit the bull but didn't slow him down. the bull ran wild about 15 minutes before finally being has saos. -- lasood. >> a trial for nidal hasan resumes today. today a military judge could decide whether he'll guarantee himself a death
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sentence. >> it's the best birthday present. brand-new video of sarah murnaghan, the girl whose request for a lung got the attention of a nation. her mom posted this message, sarah walked ten feet for the first time, actually made it out of the room. those are your headlines. >>steve: good story for you, nobody at the fox news channel did more than you. >>peter: it moves a phenomenal family. >>steve: are you waking up a winner? look at the winning numbers from last night's $448 million powerball jackpot. they are 5, 25, 30, 58, 59, powerball number 32. >>peter: three people will split that massive jack spot. where were those tickets sold? let's ask heather. >> three winners sold in
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the states of new jersey and, gretchen, minnesota. i know you and i will be calling family members in minnesota to see if somebody is lucky. lottery officials announcing the three golden tickets were sold in those two states. they say winning tickets in new jersey were bought at stores in new brunswick and little harbor. the massive jackpot surging more than $23 million just hours before that drawing as folks lining up for a chance at winning that life-changing sum. >> my mother would kill me if i didn't buy a ticket for that kind of money. >> powerball jackpots exploding over the last year after lottery officials increasing the ticket price from one to two bucks. and who could forget gloria mackenzie, the sole winner of that $590 million jackpot in may. why are these purses
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getting so big so fast? experts point to two things. higher ticket prices and the tpabt that most people don't -- and the tpabt that most people don't bother playing until the jackpot hits that big purse. >>steve: fantastic news for a couple of people. >> gretchen, call your family there. >>gretchen: i bet they didn't buy a ticket. >> i hope mine did. i'm going to have to call my father-in-law kent. >>steve: let's talk about things we're going to be talking about today. because the country of russia gave the n.s.a. whistle-blower/leaker edward snowden asylum for a year, the president of the united states has decided that he will not meet one on one with the president of russia, vladimir putin, before the g-20. we're not canceling our visit to the g-20. the president simply will not sit down with
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mr. putin. and given the fact that it went so great last time -- remember the two of them in that awkward photograph -- they're not going to meet this time either. >>gretchen: that is because putin wanted to meet with his shirt off and president obama -- just kidding. we've seen a lot of pictures with putin with his shirt off. swimming, on top of a horse. who knows if this is the right call or not? i think the president is trying to send the message we don't agree with you giving even temporary asylum to who many people believe is a traitor, a guy named edward snowden. that is one of the many issues america disagrees with russia about. i'm thinking about other serious issues like syria, iran, et cetera. >>peter: when you think back on history, is this the way we used to treat russia, even in the cold war? you go back 53 years ago to the famous kitchen debate between khruschev and vice president richard nixon and that was broadcast both in the united states and in the soviet union then, and
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that was a robust debate about their disagreements in terms of foreign policy, and it got very, very personal. so some people are asking this morning, why isn't the president putting it to putin in september in russia when he has a chance to go face-to-face, head to head. >>steve: the whole u.s.-russia reset has been a disaster every since hillary clinton famously handed her russian counterpart that reset button and she thought it said reset translated into russian. as it turned out it said overcharged. oops-a-daisy. it certainly marks a low point for this president in our relations r russia. once upon a time we were a superpower. we would kick russia's butt. but now in this situation and others, it looks like they have got the upper hand. senator ron johnson has these observations regarding where we are right now with russia.
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>> president obama's started his administration on the apology tour. he's looking for the love of the world when what we need is respect. we need to show strength. we need to show we are the world's superpower, we are the world's leader. then russia would start respecting us. >>gretchen: remember when president obama had that meeting with medvedev and he said after the election i'll have more flexibility. i don't know if we know every single nuance here going on in this relationship. i'm just wondering if the president did in fact meet with putin if then he would have critics saying he shouldn't be meeting with him. >>peter: there will always be critics but he's a nobel peace prize winner and said he would meet with even the worst dictators in the world without conditions. talking is always good. >>steve: we've got a sound bite from charles krauthammer. there have been some who have observed early on that things like abu ghraib and gitmo, they were emboldening twists out there. it was a great recruiter
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for terrorists. charles krauthammer says the biggest recruiter of terrorists these days is america's weakness from this administration. here's the doctor. >> he's closed 20-some embassies because of threats in the air. he did nothing about the attacks in libya. america's word is simply not very much respected in the world. that's the fact. i think as a consequence there is a lot more -- obama used to talk about guantanamo and all these things of the bush administration, torture and all this stuff, as a recruiter of terrorists. the biggest recruiter of terrorists is american weakness. where bin laden said people will go with the strong horse and not the weak horse. that is what happened under his stewardship. >>steve: the president won't meet with him one on one but he's still going and john kerry and chuck hagel are still going to meet with their counterparts. aside from the symbolic no
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first meeting it is still game on. >>gretchen: another big story in florida where the whole trayvon martin case was settled and we know what happened in that case about a month ago. now there's new video that has surfaced of a white young boy -- it's hard to watch -- on a school bus. apparently he's being beaten pretty severely by three black teens on a bus. some people are asking why haven't we heard so much about this story as we did about the trayvon martin situation. where are the civil rights activists when it's in reverse with regard to race. the bus driver also coming under scrutiny here. i find this fascinating because the police chief is saying the bus driver should have stepped in which i find surprising based on today's standards, legally should the bus driver have gone into this situation? >>peter: that's the question. he's saying what he said before may have been taken out of context. we'll have new information at 7:15.
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this focus again in america on the issue of race and how and where and why and when civil rights leaders will step in to take a stand in terms of crimes or assaults that may in fact or may not be racially based or motivated. >>steve: keep in mind, the question we have is three white youngsters beat up a black youngster. we should point out that the 13-year-old boy they're beating on, the white kid, they broke his arm. and the school bus driver did dispatch the police. and when the police got there, the three suspects ran out. thefpb -- they have been arrested. the big question is had it been the other way around with three whites beating down a black kid, would there be outrage? just weeks after the trayvon martin case. the big question is, is that particular attack racially motivated? >> within an hour we're going to get at the facts and shed a lot of light and may be not heat.
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let's see what's going on with this issue because a lot of people are concerned and they want to know the questions they're asking. >>steve: we heard so much from al sharpton and jesse jackson during the trayvon martin thing during that case and i haven't heard them say anything -- >>peter: silent. >>gretchen: that interview will be an hour from now. >> coming up a massive manhunt intensifies as police fear the worst for this missing teenage girl and her brother. a lieutenant from the san diego county sherrifs department joins us next with the new details. >>peter: it is the newest crime wave sweeping the nation. preying on women at the gas station. what you need to know about these so-called slider attacks. ♪ ♪ good job!
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from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what's in your walle >>gretchen: breaking news on the story we've been following. a multistate massive
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manhunt underway for james lee did i imagine -- james lee dimaggio. he may have hannah and ethan anderson. joining me now with brand-new details is a lieutenant of the san diego county sherrifs department. good morning to you, lieutenant. >> good morning. >>gretchen: much of the nation focused on this case right now. horrible, horrible story. this was a family friend, right? was it a platonic relationship between this mother, christina, and jim dimaggio? >> dimaggio and the anderson family have been close friends for probably 20 years. brett anderson considered dimaggio one of his best friends. >>gretchen: brett anderson left california to work in the state of tennessee for the last six months and it was almost a known thing his family, his wife and children would go
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over to jim dimaggio's house because he was sort of known as uncle jim taking care of the family? >> that's right. they were very close. the relationship between christina anderson and dimaggio. they were close family friends. >>gretchen: now after the fact, you have another family coming forward and saying that young woman we're showing, the missing young woman, hannah, she told a friend about ten days ago that jim dimaggio told her he had a crush on her. how does that factor into this? >> we're not ruling out any possibilities at this point as far as motive. we can't go into some of the theories that we've come up with. right now we have heard that information that there may have been a crush. that was one witness who had mentioned that. other than that, we have nothing else to back up that theory. >>gretchen: another complication for you now is that we know the mother christina was found dead inside the home, but there was another body inside the
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hoefplt it -- home. it was the charred body of a child burned so badly you don't know if it was a girl or boy. could that be ethan, the eight-year-old boy, or somebody else? >> we have been attempting to obtain d.n.a. to positively identify the remains. however the body was burned so badly that the d.n.a. collection has been much more difficult. we're hoping we'll be able to obtain enough d.n.a. to have identification done by friday. it's possible it may be quite a bit longer than that. there is a possibility we won't ever be able to identify the remains. >>gretchen: what kind of help do you need from the public with regard to finding jim dimaggio and these two children? >> keep their eyes open. the pictures have been widely circulated of hannah and ethan as well as the vehicle we believe they were last seen driving, the
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nissan versa. we are hoping if anybody sees them or believes they see them, call 911 and have law enforcement respond to detain them. we don't want anybody trying to approach them and ask them if they are who they think they are. we believe dimaggio is a very dangerous person. he is suspected of killing two people, christina and a child. we don't want anyone from the public going out and trying to contact them. >>gretchen: all the best to you, lieutenant, as you continue this search, and to that poor father. by the way, the children's father, brett anderson, will be live on frock tprobgz with us at 8 -- will be live on "fox & friends" 8:45 eastern time. imagine what he's going through after losing his wife and wondering about the safety of his children. coming up, she is a federal investigator and she disappeared into thin air. this morning the mystery is growing after she went looking for her lost dog
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and went missing. she lied to a state trooper and got out of a ticket by claiming her dad was dying. what that trooper did when what that trooper did when he found out. (announcer) born with a natural energy cycle... cats. they were born to play. to eat. then rest. to fuel the metabolic cycle they were born to have, purina one created new healthy tabolism wet and dry. with purina one and the right activity, we're turnin feeding into a true nature experience. join uat with purina one and the right activity, we're turnin ♪ you have to let me know [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk.
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>>steve: good morning, folks. here's more headlines for you. a wildfire in southern california raging out of control this morning. three people are hurt, two of them fire fighters. at least 15 houses have burned to the ground. right now the fire has grown to at least 6,000 acres. evacuations are in place for about 1,500 people in that area. president george w. bush back to his normal routine at home after undergoing a heart procedure. doctors placed a stent in his heart on tuesday to open up a blocked artery.
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former first lady laura bush says her husband, the president, is doing great. congratulations. peter, over to you. >>peter: if you've ever gotten a speeding ticket, you want to listen to this. 28-year-old kerry williams was pulled over for speeding in new hampshire. she told the state trooper she was rushing to her dying father's side in the hospital. only problem was she was apparently lying. so when the trooper found out, he arrested her. so how did he find out and why was he so kind to begin with? the great trooper christopher cummings joins us now. good morning. >> good morning, thank you for having me on. >> you were pulling over this young lady and she was going, what? 82 in a 65 zone? is that what was happening? >> yes, that is correct. >>peter: tell us what happened. you pulled her over and what did she say?
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>> just as a matter of habit, i ask everybody for a speeding violation if there is any emergency. she stated that there was. she stated her father was in the hospital. he had stage 4 cancer. he was only breathing six breaths a minute and she was trying to make it there before he passed. >>peter: she had lots of details. i think i understand she was acting in an emotional way as if everything she say about the six breaths a minute and him dying in the hospital was true? >> that is correct. there were a lot of emotions that went along with the story as well. >>peter: you let her go on her way and then what did you do, trooper? >> that is correct. i took the time afterwards to fact check her story. i contacted the hospital. they didn't have anybody staying there in their care under the name she had provided me. and furthermore, i -- and
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then after, i googled the name of her father she had given me and her name as well. that's when i located his obituary from 2008. >>peter: when you found out she wasn't telling the truth, you went to her house and confronted her. did she tell the truth when you confronted her? then let us know what happened after she told you what she told you. >> that is correct. i sreufed her at -- i visited her at her residence. i handed her a copy of the obituary i had found on-line, and she stated that it wasn't her father. it was in fact her uncle when handed her father's obituary. i subsequently placed her under arrest. she was driving at the time with suspended registration plates which is a misdemeanor charge in the state of tphal. i placed -- in the state of tphapblg. i placed her under arrest for the misdemeanor charge as well as the speeding
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violation as well. >>peter: thanks for being a humane guy and being a by-the-book guy as well and keeping us safe on the road. disappointing but i think you did the right thing. >> thank you, sir. >>peter: next on the rundown, he barely had enough to live on so he posted his paycheck to a private on-line account and was fired. is that fair? we're going to find out. women headed to the front lines for the first time and anna kooiman is going and anna kooiman is going along for the ride. she's still the one for you - you know it even after all these years. but your erectile dysfunction - you know,that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right.
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usaa. we know what it means to serve. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers...
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are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. ♪ ♪ >>steve: take a look at that. in the hearts of midtown manhattan we put up a yogurt shop. but not any yogurt shop. we'll be down in a minute, officer. it's tcby, the country's best yogurt. joining us is the vice president of tcby. the reason you got police
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escorts today is you've got big news? >> we're launching the first nationwide yogurt with silk. >> how many calories are in a serving? >> 110 calories. it's a great-tasting product. >>steve: a lot of people would like to go to dairy queen but it's dairy-based and a lot of people can't tolerate it because they're lactose intolerant. this is perfect because it is made out of almond milk. >> it's silk almond milk, which is a great brand. most frozen yogurt based have a lactose intolerant but we have one that tastes phenomenal. >> we need some toppings. >> you've got a lot of
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great toppings over here. >>steve: takes like regular frozen yogurt. >> we put it in one of our stores to replace regular chocolate without telling our consumers and we got a lot of compliments about how great it tastes. >> let's get to the weather. we have very hot temperatures in some parts of the country, perfect for frozen yogurt across sections of texas and very heavy rain in parts of missouri, parts of kansas. over a foot of rain in parts of missouri. more heavy rain, you can see it on the radar moving through this area. severe weather, isolated tornadoes possible anywhere from the texas handle to parts of oklahoma and kansas. a hot day in texas. 105 in dallas. 106 in san antonio. in chicago, kind of cool for this time of year. >> we have great franchises
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in this region. >> hot tepblts in parts of the -- hot temperatures in parts of the south. stay cool and get some tcby. i'm going to try this new flavor here and let you know what i think coming up. >> let me grab a cup over here. >> all right. here we go over here. >> there you go. >> where is a -- >>gretchen: it's a little toug for them to be eating ice cream and none for us. right, peter? >>steve: look what i brought you. >>gretchen: you've already had a bite. >>steve: so. sharing. one big happy family. you want a bite? >>peter: i love you, but not that much. >>steve: it tastes just as good as the regular frozen yogurt.
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>>gretchen: what other flavors do they have today? >>steve: just this one. >>peter: we'll get serious for a second with news headlines. a woman vanishes in oakland, california, as she goes looking for a stolen dog. police searching for any clues that will lead them to her. she is a federal criminal investigator who handles death row cases. her teenage daughter last saw her on sunday. >> they think she may have met somebody in a coffee shop in the oakland area so they are reviewing surveillance tapes and interviewing witnesses. >>peter: her car was found two miles from her home and her two cell phones turned up in two different locations. police are not sure if her disappearance is related to her job. >>steve: we're learning this morning that 15 foot pie upon -- that 15 foot python that killed two boys
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was living in the apartment they were sleeping in. it had escaped its cage before and the owner did nothing to try to fix it. the autopsy determines the brothers were asphyxiated. the pythons escaped through a hole connected to the vent and fell through the ceiling on to the sleeping boys. the snake's owner could now face manslaughter charges. >>gretchen: frightening new crime wave sleeping the nation. it's called sliding. what is it? we're about to show you. he slides in the victims' cars and snatches valuables. police say in most cases women are targeted and the victims have no idea until it is too late. it usually happens at gas stations. cops say the best thing you can do is roll up your windows and lock your car doors every time you leave your car. when you're putting gas in your car you don't think about locking your door.
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>>steve: a brooklyn man claims he was fired after posting a copy of his paycheck on instagram. the employee said he loved his job but said his paycheck is frustrating. although the posting was supposed to be private, it made its way back to his boss who accused him of breaching a confidentiality contract. >>gretchen: the ban on women in the combat units has been lifted six months ago. >>peter: how are these women handling the training? our own anna kooiman has that story. >> good morning. i headed to camp lejeune in jacksonville, north carolina, where women in the navy are now part of what once used to be just a men's-only club. we warn you this training video is a bit graphic, so take a look. this is the fifth and final
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week of training for 50 people at camp lejeune. six women preparing for combat. >> there were a lot of looks. it wasn't negative, it wasn't positive. >> looks, comments. initially it was a little rough. >> i think it was a shock military-wide. first i was mixed. i didn't think they would be able to keep up and push it as much as the men. >> the military is implementing policy after defense secretary leon panetta lifted a ban on women in infantry. training prepared these soldiers for today. scenarios going on are testing their warrior spirit. >> they will be reacting to fire, where they're going shot at with body armor on. we try to get them in the mind-set that my mind will
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quit before my body will. >> you're going to be pushing your body thinking if your body is ready, you'll be ready but it is 100% a mind game. as military officials begin opening combat for these women they are vowing not to lower physical or performance standard. >> i'm a small guy. some of the girls here can drag some of the guys better than me. >> how much do they rely on each other and each other's physical and mental capacity? >> that's a big one. without one another most of them would have difficulty with the course. we push team work. >> sailors are carrying an encrypted radio, high-tech g.p.s., a weapon, helmet, all that gear weighing about 45 pounds. >> i think it gets lighter as the day goes on. your muscles get used to t. >> you'll be standing there and it's so heavy and so uncomfortable and some huge guy next to you is like my
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shoulder is killing me. i'm like really. >> how different is it for these guys to have girls in there? >> not much different at all. when you're under fire you see a person, same uniform, same helmet. you're looking for them to cover you. >> now is a lot more encouraging, more of a team. i feel like we're part of the team now. i think they think so too. >> if you have a daughter, what do you think she'll think about this? >> i think it's going to be a tpwraeut story to tell -- a great story to tell, >> don't give up, you can do whatever you want to do. just keep going. >> going to be a great story to tell. the pentagon said they want females in every combat unit by 2016. some of these women could be the very first. they are now eligible to start applying for navy positions. >>gretchen: i think when they're all in their gear you don't even know if it's a man or woman. >> one guy said once the
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helmet's on you look at them like they're another one of the guys. >>peter: eye opening and remarkable story. >>steve: thank for getting that story for us. >>gretchen: you think you have to wait until you turn 65 to store -- score senior discounts? think again. we'll tell you how to cash in. >>steve: the president told jay leno the government is not spying on you? is that right. the judge on what you need to know as he comes in studio e. all rise, here's the judge. ♪ i want you to ♪ rock me ♪ rock me with the fidelity american express credit card, every purchase earns you 2% cash back, which is deposited in your fidelity account. is that it? actually... there's no annual fee and no limits on rewards. and with the fidelity cash management account debit card, you get reimbursed for all atm fees. is that it? oh, this guy, too.
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e-mail address that we know is connected to some sort of terrorist threat. >>gretchen: that was president obama defending the n.s.a. surveillance program during his interview with jay leno the other night. >>steve: is the government really not spying on you as the president said? let's talk to judge andrew napolitano. judge, do you buy that? >> not only do i not buy it, but the n.s.a. itself has given every indication that the information snowden released, whether you think it's lawful or unlawful, whether you think we have a right to know about it or not, is in fact accurate. about a half dozen other former n.s.a. staffers, not employees of outside contractors of the n.s.a. like mr. snowden, but former government agents who worked for the n.s.a. have corroborated the following, that in the past two and a half years the government has gathered trillions of pieces of information, and those pieces of information consist of the actual sounds of our voices on telephones, our actual
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e-mails and our actual texts. it doesn't necessarily read them or listen to them unless it wants to. how difficult is it for them to do so? a couple of key strokes on a computer and it will bring up a conversation we had last week. >>steve: you just said they are recording our phone calls? >> yes, they are. >>gretchen: i thought they weren't. i thought thefrp just recording -- they were just recording the phone numbers between and betwixt other. >> example: when congressman mike rogers asked keith alexander, head of the n.s.a., do you have the ability to listen to phone calls and read e-mails? answer: no, we don't have the authority to do that. he wouldn't answer the question directly because congressman rogers and
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alexander knew they had the ability to capture conversations. why the president would mislead this -- and this is worse than bill clinton saying it depends on what the meaning of what is is, president obama is misleading the public. he is leading an end run around the fourth amendment the likes of which the united states of america and the american public have never seen or endured and he should be open and honest about it. that's the question and that's the issue as we sit here and as people at home watch us, how do you square with what we just heard on the jay leno show with what you talked about and what has been exposed? >> he must believe that the american public would be happy in its delusion that the government is taking care of us in its comfortable hands. i'm being sarcastic. and is not spying on us. maybe he doesn't consider saving the content of every phone call and e-mail and texting spying. i mean, clearly it is.
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it is absolutely prohibited by the fourth amendment. >>gretchen: that has been the m.o. of this administration, is to simplify the message and some would argue dumb it down to people who may not question when they hear a statement like that. >>steve: he's a lawyer. he's parsing his words. >> a poll two days ago, 54% of americans are glad we know about this and disapprove of it. 34% wished we didn't know about it and do approve it. >>steve: thank you, judge. straight ahead, a little boy found wandering the streets. the f.b.i. found their parents or at least they thought so. this case back open this morning. >>gretchen: think you have to wait until you turn 65 to score senior discounts? think again. i don't know if this is going to go for the lower people or higher-age people. how to cash in on travel discounts and score free concert tickets coming up. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: so do you think you have to wait until you are 65, senior citizen to cash in on great discounts? think again. there are amazing deals, from everything from dining to travel available the day you turn 50. finally. this is good news for all of us who are in our 50s. personal finance expert and retail analyst joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> steve: so everybody heard of aarp. >> yep. >> steve: if you're a member for 16 bucks a year, there are huge discounts that start at 50. >> at 50. the problem is, are you going to be able to get over that hump of admitting that you're getting older to take advantage of those
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discounts? 80% of aarp members do take advantage of those discounts, but you have the controversy of whether you want to start at 50 or at retirement. >> steve: that's right. you start -- look at some of the discounts, you'll say okay, i've hit the threshold of the first one, you can save up to 25% at avis, budget and hertz when you rent a car at age 50. that's amazing! >> right. we were just saying, it's not just a certain amount of cars you can get or no cap on that. you can get your budget car, you can get a very expensive car. it's 25% off all blanket cars. >> steve: okay. if you're going to go somewhere in your rental car, you'll need someplace to stay. how about hotels? >> for 20% off, you can get discounts off a ramada and others. starts at 50 years old. if you're driving around, stay at a hotel. >> steve: you want to go to the movie, save on popcorn and soda. >> this is what i love. regal theaters, you can get a soda and popcorn for 5.50.
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at live nation, if you like to see live music, you can get four tickets for the price of three. >> steve: i like a lot of people thought all the discounts kicked in at 62, 63, 64. but 50? finally. restaurants, you can get big discounts and even buck coffee. >> right. i'm a huge coffee drinker. but a dollar coffee at denny's, i would take that. i would lie about the fact that i'm 50 to get the discount and i'm not. but a dollar cough cree in come on. -- coffee? you can't beat this. >> steve: finally, some of us at age 50 and beyond do need a pair of glasses. >> this is what i love. lens crafter, 30% off glasses. there you're getting a huge discount there. >> steve: all right. and all you got to do is be a member of aarp. >> right. exactly. sixteen dollars will get you some of those discounts. >> steve: it sounds like you make up the 16 bucks in no time. >> right. it gets better when you turn 65.
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there is discounts that kick in even more. >> steve: and at 65, you don't need the aarp card. >> and you're probably not driving that much. >> steve: there you go. i'll have my wife drive like she does right now. thank you very much. i think you just saved a bunch of money. >> i hope so. >> steve: gretch, over to you and peter. >> peter: sounds good. a 13 year old white boy brutally beaten by three african-american teens. why are civil rights leaders like al sharpton staying silent on this issue? your e-mails are pouring in. we'll read them in the next hour. >> gretchen: a new fox poll has the president's approval rating hitting a new low. we'll analyze why, top of the hour. right back ♪ so then the little tiny chipmunks go all the way up...
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there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. relief is at hand for just $18 a month. talk to your doctor about nexium. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. today is thursday, august 8, 2013. hope you're gonna have a
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fantastic day. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for spending part of your time with us. multi state manhunt underway for suspected killer who may have taken these two children captive. the new developments and we'll speak to the father of those kids coming up. >> peter: and brand-new fox polls have the president's approval rating getting a new low. could that be tied to the sweetheart deal he gave congress, exempting them from obamacare? >> steve: and are the victims of the fort hood massacre being silenced? one spouse claims her husband has been banned from revealing a side of the story the government doesn't like. "fox & friends" hour two for this thursday in august starts right now. >> steve: live from studio ee peter johnson, jr. joining us in the place of brian kilmeade. during game show week. >> gretchen: oh, oh,. >> peter: that's going to be
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exciting. i understand it's going to be pretty intense. >> gretchen: it's going to be teams. ladies versus men. >> steve: is that the teams? >> gretchen: yes. >> peter: no mixed teams? >> gretchen: i don't think so, because we have john stossel coming up a little later to talk about gender mix, so we might as well give him more ammunition. >> steve: one of the great d.j.'s of all time, shadow stevens, is going to be here. >> peter: and everybody will know him. >> steve: that's this hour here on the big show. >> gretchen: in the meantime, we have brand-new details in the multi state manhunt underway. accused of murdering his close friend and then possibly abducting her two children, hannah and ethan anderson. police found the mother's body inside his burned home, along with the remains of a child. lieutenant of the san diego county sheriff's department says that body found -- they haven't been able to identify it, but it could be eight-year-old ethan.
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>> we've been attempting to obtain dna from the remains to positively identify the remains. however, the body was burned so badly that the dna collection has been much more difficult. >> gretchen: right now an amber alert remains in effect in oregon and washington state. the children's father will join us live next hour. chaos at a county fair south of st. paul, minnesota. who would ever think this would happen? a bull breaks loose, trampling bystanders. >> it's outside? oh, my god. >> gretchen: eight people were hurt. one woman's injuries so serious, she had to be air lifted to the hospital. the sheriff's deputy fired two shots at the animal. one bullet actually hit the bull, but didn't slow him down. he ran wild through park lots and fields for about 15 minutes before somebody knew how to lasso the bull in.
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usher's five-year-old son showing signs of improvement today after nearly drowning in a swimming pool. he's reportedly sitting up in bed at the hospital eating, laughing and talking to people. but doctors say it may be days before he's released from the icu. he was hospitalized monday after he got his arm stuck in the pool drain trying to grab a toy. a dna test reopening a 40-year-old kidnapping case. police thought they reunited chester and dora with their newborn son who was abducted from the hospital in 1964. but it turns out that baby is not their son. the boy who is now a 49-year-old man says he wanted to have a dna test because he looked nothing like the man and woman who raised him. the f.b.i. now looking for the couple's biological son. that's a mystery. >> steve: that changes everything. meanwhile, are you waking up a winner? did you go to bed with this under your pillow if look at the
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winning numbers from last night's powerball jackpot. numbers are 5, 25, 30, 58, 59, and the powerball is 32. >> peter: three people will split that massive jackpot. so where were those tickets sold? let's ask heather nauert. >> good morning to you. two states, guys. three winners in two states. they'll split the $448 million powerball prize. lottery officials announcing the three golden tickets were sold in new jersey and also in minnesota. they say the winning tickets in new jersey were bought in leg egg harbor and new brunswick. we're not sure where the ticket was purchased in minnesota yet. but the third jackpot surged more than $23 million hours before the drawing occurred. people lining up for their chance at the life-changing sum. >> my mother would kill me if i didn't buy a ticket for that
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kind of money. >> i got a great job and a great life, so a dream is a dream. but that's about it. it's worth $2. >> right. powerball jackpot has exploded after lottery officials increased the ticket price from $1 to $2. who can forget gloria mckenzie, she was the winner of the $590 million jackpot in may in fellow that. why are these -- in florida. why are the purses getting so big so fast? the higher ticket prices and the fact that most people don't even bother playing until the jackpot hits $100 million. so what's next? we're going to wait fort winners to come forward. they have yet to claim their prize, but they've got one year to do it. so three tickets in new jersey and also in minnesota. good luck, guys. >> steve: thank you very much. i bought $10 worth, which is five numbers and of them, out of the 30 digits, i got three
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right. >> gretchen: how do you know if you can win like you were saying earlier, like 100 bucks? >> steve: you go on the web site. they've got different -- if you got four right, you get this. a whole bunch of people got the primary five right and i think they won 1 or $2 million. the key is getting the powerball on top of that. >> gretchen: all right. let's turn our attention now to the white house and capitol hill because we're talking about obamacare again. and is there special privileges if you're a member of congress when it comes to obamacare? it could be because some of the members of congress were complaining look, when this goes into effect, we're going to lose some of our subsidies. we're going to lose some of the perks that for so long we've been enjoying. they went to the president and said, can't you do something about this? guess what? they got their wish because the president now apparently going to step in to this whole discussion and allow members of congress to continue to have these subsidies while the rest of americans will not get them. >> steve: this is outrageous. senator charles grassley of
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iowa, when they were passing obamacare, he put this amendment in it that said that if obamacare is going to be good enough for the people of the united states, the people who are leaders, our members of congress and their staff should have to live under it as well. peter, the problem was, what happened is they would lose the federal workers, they would lose the federal subsidy, which i read in a reuters article was 75%. that is a jackpot for them. the president himself personally intervened to make sure his opm office made sure that they would continue that subsidy and keep the staff happy. >> peter: it is outrageous and for a lot of americans, they say the political class wins again. >> steve: of course. >> peter: and i get hurt. and it causes more and more americans to say about each and every congress person in their district, in the country, put them all out. put them all out. they should all go because how does this go forward at this point? the president goes and meets with the senate democrats and
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says, i'm going to get you this deal because i don't want a brain drain on capitol hill. what about the drain on americans across the country? >> gretchen: it's interesting because it's not only members ever congress. it's their staff. so it's a lot more people -- and they'll probably argue, look, the staff, they're not getting the salaries that members of congress are, so they needed these. but then you could make that same actor fort millions and millions of americans who feel the same way. >> steve: some of the staff members actually get paid on par with what the members are make. we're talking about 335 members of -- 535 members of congress and each has a complete staff. all those people are getting this gigantic break on obamacare that you're not getting. >> peter: one rule for washington. one rule for everybody else. >> steve: there you go. >> gretchen: let's look at the polls. that may be some reason why the job performance poll for the president slipped in the last couple of months. the approval rating, if you look back to last august, 49%. and then in july it was 46%. now it's gone down to 42%. in just a year, 7% drop.
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>> steve: when it comes to congressional job performance, you approve of 32% of the democrats. you approve of two dozen of the republicans. and then -- this is a great question that we just asked: do americans rely too much on government and not enough on themselves? look at that right there. three quarters of you say we're relying too much on government to help us out. >> peter: we rely on government to help government out and then with regard to the president's recent speeches on the economy, some critics said were political and not substantive in nature, the american people are saying it's more of the same, 71%. and new ideas, only 20% of the respondents saying new ideas. >> steve: there you go. >> gretchen: of course, the fort hood shooting trial has been going on in kind of a bizarre situation down there where you have nidal hasan representing himself and now the judge may be imposing lawyers upon him
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because it looks like he's trying to just get the death penalty right away so that he can maybe become some sort of a martyr. but what about the people who were affected in this? remember there has been so much debate about whether this was workplace violence or an act of terror and that has a lot to do with the survivors and the kind of benefits they can receive. at the same time you now have the wife of one of the survivors saying that she believes that the government is telling some of these survivors to not tell the whole story to the public and to journalists who want to know what's going on? >> steve: in particular, autumn manning, the wife of army staff sergeant sean manning, she took to twitter and this is what she tweeted. think dot dod has seriously underestimated outspoken spouses and their ability to let truth be known about hash tag fort hood. they will not stamp us out. apparently, peter, initially
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there was word that the witnesses could not speak out, but the big question is, what about the families? well, she was told that the families couldn't even speak out. >> peter: then she went back on twitter and she said, please, retweet, dod gag orders after victims testify. can't talk about denial of benefits and wound being separated from deceased family hash tag fort hood. all of those wounded members have been deprived of the purple heart and benefits, according to the people who were wound in times of war. >> steve: i'm glad you're here, because is gagging a witness in a military trial, is that normal? >> peter: you can gag witnesses in any trial. there can be a lawful court order that says make no public statements. you're to give lawful testimony -- >> steve: what about theirs? >> peter: absolutely not. it's absolutely not. and she has said, she's going to exercise her first amendment rights and she's gone to twitter and she's done it, whether or not she thought there was a court order there or not.
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>> steve: interesting. >> gretchen: let us know what you think about that. a 13-year-old white boy beaten by two african-american teens. your e-mails are pouring in. there is a twist with the bus driver. >> peter: and tiger woods wake up with a sinking feeling this morning. his house. is it falling into the ground? sinkhole in the future? hope not. we'll tell you. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ]
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are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this.
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gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool only from progressive. bounce is great because the freshness lasts for weeks in the drawer. why can't everything stay fresh that long? [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ man ] lasting freshness. >> peter: a school bus driver in florida under fire for refusing to break up a fight. the three teens you see here brutally kicked and punched another student last month. but instead of physically breaking up the fight, the driver yelled at the boys and radioed for help.
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listen. >> leave that boy alone! leave him alone! leave him alone! (bleep) (bleep) you got to get somebody here quick, quick, quick, quick. they're about to beat that boy to death. please send somebody quick. they're still doing it. i done what i could do. >> peter: prosecutors have decided not to press charges against the driver because that school policy. but did he have an obligation to do more? robert is the chief of police for gulfport, florida. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> peter: are you charging the bus driver with any crime at all for not intervening on behalf of the 13-year-old victim who was pummeled for 64 seconds? >> no. we brought some facts to the attention of the prosecutor as part of a normal process. that decision is completely in their hands and they've announced that decision
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publicly. he's not being charged with any crime, no. >> peter: earlier you told another outlet, and perhaps you were misquoted, that there was time for mr. moody, the bus driver, to intervene in this vicious and brutal beating of this 13-year-old boy who was being stomped and hit perhaps 23 or 24 times by these three kids. did he have time to intervene? >> well, what i said was an inaccurate description of when i statement. when i spoke to that reporter, i said that i can understand his decision to not physically intervene. i mean, i wouldn't blame somebody who doesn't feel capable to not go and fight off three violent teens. the story that aired left that part of the statement off and it made it appear as though i was criticizing him for not physically intervening and that's not the case. that said, i do believe the facts of the case justified our decision to refer charges to the
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state attorney's office. >> peter: is it a fact, chief, that mr. moody didn't say anything to these assailants for perhaps a minute. and when he did say something, they actually stopped? >> yes, that's one of the facts we brought to the attention of the prosecutors. from the time the first punch was thrown, 64 seconds passed until mr. moody made a statement to the attackers in this case. when he did, they stopped. >> peter: here is the question being i mailed to us -- e railed to us by the dozens if not by the hundreds. was this a racially motivated crime? did you investigate this crime as a biased crime in gulfport? >> i received the same e-mails and complaints. our investigation looked at every possible aspect of this. the race difference between the victim and the defendants in this case is purely coincidental. there is absolutely no
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indication that race was a motivator in the attack. the motive was retaliation from a complaint or report that the victim had made earlier about one of the suspects that he tried to sell him drugs at school. >> peter: did you interview the suspects as to whether or not they had a racial motive or bias >> i can't get into what they said. i can assure you that we did interview each and every one of them to get their side of the story. and i will confirm again for you that there is no evidence to show that race was a motivator in this case. >> peter: thank you for your service and thanks for being so forthright this morning. if any new developments come up, please join us again. >> thank you. >> peter: new test results just out and the results down right frightening. most, most new cars flunked. what you need to know before you hit the road. and forget the long johns.
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>> steve: time for news by the numbers. $5 million. that's how much the government has spent to give major nidal hasan a fair trial. a judge halted the trial yesterday after it appeared hasan was trying to guarantee himself the death penalty. oh, great. next, 21 stories. that's how tall the rocket is. blasted off yesterday carrying a military communications satellite. finally, 24. that's how much gold is in new
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thongs, bras and other unmentionables from recoco jesus. the clothes are not cheap, costing between 1500 and 6,000 bucks. wow. gretch, over to you. >> gretchen: is that a wow about the body or wow about that lingerie, steve? we'll get to the bottom of that. the adventure-filled sequel to the series "percent gee jackson sea -- jackson sea of monsters." >> what is that? >> go inside. >> so evil,. >> destroy him. he's fate to do rise again. >> the only thing that has the power to save us. >> gretchen: yikes. for more, we're stepping into the fox light with michael. okay, i don't know how old you
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are, but i'm kind of scared. this is kind of erie. who is it for? >> definitely for middle schoolers, high school, people like myself. percy jackson is back. it's the follow-up to the global hit. it's based on a series of books written by a middle school teacher. he used to tell his son greek myths and he ran out of material and his son said, make up your own stories and he did. millions of fans later, 300 weeks on the "new york times" best seller list, here we are with a sequel to the hit that came out in 2010. this time we find percy, a demigod, half god, half human. he saved the world in the first movie and this time he's having doubts. not quite sure if he's a one quest wonder, as they say. so we caught up with the star who plays percy and he was telling us some of the challenges of filming this movie. >> we shot a good portion of the
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film in new orleans during the summer time when it's just really so humid. we were shooting like all nighters pretty much 'cause it's a night sequence. so for about a month and a half, we're working from like 5:00 p.m. 'til 5:00 a.m. >> gretchen: what happens? you told me this is a lot like harry potter. >> harry potter meets pop culture, sort of. >> gretchen: it looks kind of supernatural. >> it is. >> gretchen: so what happens now when these kids get older and you keep having these sequels? does it matter like it did in harry potter? >> we waited a long time after the first movie for this one. they're starting to get a little old. it will be interesting to see if they coo a third movie with them or with a different cast. viewers may recognize him, he was the star of "perks of the wallflower." >> gretchen: you know everything. >> that's my job, gretchen. >> gretchen: when it comes to movies and pop culture, check him out. you've got a special web site.
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>> in the fox for all the celebrity buzz, follow me on twitter. >> gretchen: what does the movie come out? >> it came out last night. opening weekend. it's a fox movie. we like that. >> gretchen: good to see you. have a good weekend. do men really make more money than women? john stossel has some shocking revelations about the battle of the sexes. what you've always believed may not be true. and brand-new crash test results just out and the scores we're talking about cars crashing, frightening. right back
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advil. relief in action. could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. thankfully e-trade has low cost investments and no hidden fees. but, you know, if you're still bent on blowing this fat stack of cash, there's a couple of ways you could do it. ♪ ♪ or just go to e-trade and save it. boom.
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♪ >> i'm sorry. >> hi. were you dreaming? were you making a lot of shots? >> yes. >> then what happened? >> a guy poked me in the nose. >> same nightmare. >> we can't keep doing this. it's been weeks! >> darn, that brian kilmeade! [ laughter ] >> gretchen: oh, my gosh. >> steve: it's your shot of the morning. brian may not be with us this week, but it's salt on trick shot titus leaving a lasting impression? this new video from his father showing brian has given titus constant nightmares and altered his hot streak. he can't hit squat. but have no fear, titus' friends and family helping him overcome
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that horrible day right here on "fox & friends" as he reclaimed his magic! look, he can catch the ball! in the end, titus is having sweet dreams once again. but look behind the bed. it seems titus may not be able to totally get rid of brian and, of course, the bad memories. >> gretchen: oh, my gosh. where is brian when you need him? brian, if you are watching right now, call us. call into the control room to defend yourself right now. that is hysterical. i'm surprised they didn't put a football helmet on the kid. he's going to now have to play basketball with a football helmet. >> peter: that was called i was nearby. that was bounce pass. >> steve: yeah. >> peter: brian was okay. >> steve: something went hay wire that day. >> peter: he tried. >> steve: it started like that. [ laughter ] now as you can see, poor kid
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having nightmares over "fox & friends." >> peter: sounds like punitive damages are in order. >> gretchen: oh, oh. has the family called you? >> peter: can't represent them. >> gretchen: brian, call us if you saw that. need to defend yourself. now other stories, a woman vanishes after receiving a mysterious call about her stolen dog. police searching for any clues that will lead them to her. she was last seen sunday by her teen daughter. since then her car and two cell phones turned up. >> they think that she may have met somebody in a coffee shop, somewhere here in the oakland area. so they're reviewing surveillance tapes and interviewing witnesses. >> gretchen: she's a federal criminal investigator who handles death row cases. police investigating whether her disappearance is related at all to her job. >> peter: the 15-foot python that killed two young canadian boys was not living inside of a pet store, but in the apartment
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above it. experts also now saying the python had escaped its cage once before and the owner did nothing to fix it. autopsy results show the brothers ages four and six were asphyxiated. really tragic. >> steve: it is. sobering crash test results for some of the most popular cars on the road now. six small cars getting a failing grade on crash tests. the nissan sentra, kia got a poor rating. dodge dart, ford focus and hyundai elantra earned acceptable ratings. the honda civic was the only car to get a top rating. >> gretchen: here is one way to score a hot rod for the weekend. a clever crook walked into a parking garage right here in manhattan. he told the tenantant he was a mechanic, needed to pick up hamas ratty for repairs. the garage worker handed the keys right over. turns out guy just wanted to
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take the $130,000 car for a ride. that's all it costs? that ride came to the end when detectives tracked him down. the car was scratched up a bit. but the owner says he's glad to have it back. wow. >> peter: a warning, the video we're about to show you is violent. take a look at this 13-year-old boy brutally beaten by three teen-agers while on the school bus in florida. as you can see, they repeatedly kicked and punched the kid. one of the people under fire, the bus driver. >> leave that boy alone! leave him alone! leave him alone! (bleep) (bleep) you got to get somebody here quick, quick, quick, quick. they about to beat this boy to death here. please get somebody here quick. i done what i could do. >> peter: that boy was left with a broken arm and two black ice. the attack taking place because he told school officials that one of the teens tried to sell him marijuana. so should the driver have done
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more? we asked you what you're thinking on that. mike from new york says, i'm a school bus driver. i would have defended the assaulted child. i most likely wouldn't have survived the investigation and would have been fired, but i see my job as protecting special cargo and protect all kids. self writes, i say shame on the bus driver. he's twice the size of the kid. punch the thugs in the nose and stun them. protect the child first and worry about jobs and lawsuit later. and a bus driver from georgia weighing in saying, i am a school bus driver. we are not allowed to put our hands on any student to break up a fight. if we do, we are subject to being sued and fired. i have a button on my radio that immediately summons police to the bus without saying a word. and those are your headlines. >> steve: what's interesting is when you were talking to the chief of police down there and i hadn't heard this before, apparently when the bus driver got out of his seat and confronted the kids, they stopped. >> peter: yeah.
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that's one of the reason they sent it to the state prosecutor, to make a determination because they were concerned that the bus driver had not spoken up for a long period of time. once he did, evidently the assault stopped. >> steve: more on that a little later. we've got an extreme weather alert. heavy thunderstorms soaking much of missouri. major flooding has closed roadways and forced over a dozen families to evacuate their houses. brutal storm claiming the life of a four-year-old boy. one woman also missing on this thursday morning. maria molina, has the storm moved out? >> no, that storm system sitting over the same area, impacting parts of missouri, parts of kansas, and also into oklahoma with some very heavy rain. i want to show you how much rain has fallen in some of these areas. we're talking over a foot of rain already picked up in just the past two days. the ground is already saturated. any additional rain you pick up in these areas really will produce some flooding concerns. look at the rain that's moving through those areas right now. in missouri, in kansas, very
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heavy rain. significant. one to two inches of rain just per hour. damaging winds, large hail, and even isolated tornadoes possible. in southwestern parts of missouri all the way westward to sections of the texas panhandle. temperature wise, south of the storm system it's actually very hot. we're talking triple digit temperatures. you factor in some humidity and you're talking heat index value of up to 110 degrees possible out here in parts of oklahoma, texas, louisiana, arkansas. so dangerous amounts of heat out there. north of the storm system, we have some cooler air. temperatures widespread, in the 70s. low average, not feeling very august like in parts of minnesota. 75 degrees will be the high temperature today in minneapolis. let's head back inside. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. as has been the tradition here on "fox & friends," during internships, the last day of a college student's intern shall, they actually get to be on television and today we say so long, ali, has been with us all
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summer long. have you enjoyed your internship? >> absolutely. it was amazing. >> steve: you're sick of us and you're ready to go back to college, right? >> no. very excited to go back. but very sad to leave. >> steve: you're going to do the sports. stand right here in the official sportsman position. here is ali with the sports. >> thank you. the cubs getting unlikely production from newcomer donny murphy. in just his third game with the team, murphy cracked two homeruns and drove in four as the cubs beat the phillies 5-2. murphy seems to have found his strokes since donning a cubs uniform. he has his three homers in his first three games. he had spent the early part of the season with the cubs' triple a team. >> steve: so far, so good. >> thank you. soccer superstar getting more than he bargained for. last night in miami, a young fan jumped out of the stands and on to the field. so he can get up close and personal with one of the game's greats. the kid goes for the hug and
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amazingly, the player doesn't result. after a long emabrasion, he calmly delivered him to the top. tiger woods is used to sinking putts, but a sinking house? that's right. a source close to the golfer says woods and current squeeze lindsey vaughn have been ticing deep cracks in the walls. a sure sign the home is drooping. woods has reportedly hired a contractor to shore up his 10,000-foot crib. >> steve: that's the sports, ladies and gentlemen! round of applause for ali! where do you go to school? >> new falls. >> steve: what do you want to be when you grow up? >> an anchor woman. >> steve: all right. >> thank you. >> steve: thank you very much for helping us. >> thank you very much for everything. >> steve: all right. enjoy the summer. another week or to two and then back to school. >> gretchen: do men really make more money than women? john stossel has revelations. >> peter: game show week continues. today we're playing in it to win
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it with host shadow stevens. there he is. we're facing off in all kinds of crazy challenges. you won't want to miss it. i might, but i'm going out there. you got to watch this. >> gretchen: are we going to be in a swimming pool? >> peter: i hope so. that could be fun pooches and puppies... we are tired of being fed on! we want k9 advantix ii! it not only kills fleas and ticks, k9 advantix ii also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. infected ticks can even spread lyme disease. so let's put our paws down in ptest! till we all get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! join us at! icaused by acid reflux disease, relieving heartburn,antix ii! relief is at hand.
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for many, nexium provides 24-hour heartburn relief and may be available for just $18 a month. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. relief is at hand for just $18 a month. talk to your doctor about nexium.
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>> steve: here is a question for you, do men really make more money than women? are public schools unfair to girls? these are questions john stossel has been trying to answer for decades since he was a reporter for "20/20". >> we treated them the same. but they were just so different. i don't just mean my kids. you would see it in their friends, too. the girls were, well, more civilized. they'd look you in the eye, talk to you. they cared about your feelings.
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the boys, the boys wanted to go to war. >> bang, bang, bang! >> the girls cared more about playing with each other, talking, cooperating. >> steve: even the differences seem so clear. so why are feminists still pushing the need for gender equality? let's talk to the host of "fox business" network's john stossel. >> that's what they do. the specific issues are just myths. the 77-cent pay difference, women make 77 cents for every dollar men make. >> steve: i've heard that a million times. >> true. except we don't work the same jobs. when you look hard at the numbers, you see that women have their priorities in order. they often choose jobs that are not so time consuming, not so far away, not so dangerous. when you equalize for that, women do just as well. and the market would sort this out because if it were true,
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women could just start their own company and since women are paid less, they'd make tons of money 'cause they'd undersell the competition. >> steve: so that is a myth that men get paid more than women. what about the myth that co-ed schools are unfair to girls? >> these days it's boys who get the bad end 'cause they're told not to throw snowballs. a kid shapes a pop tart into the shape of a gun is suspended. and 150 girls go get graduate degrees for every 100 boys now. schools unfair to boys. >> steve: what about the myth that -- or is it a myth -- that women are worst drivers than guys? >> they clearly are! you can just see the women i know. they can't maneuver as well. but what's the bigger measure, which is how many people do they kill? we men are much worse. we're much more likely to run stop signs, speed, and kill other people. >> steve: what about the myth, or is it a myth -- that guys are more likely to cheat?
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>> that one is true. not all myths turn out to be false. it's now 19% of guys say they cheat versus 24% of women. >> steve: what about -- >> i'm sorry. other way. 24% good night. 19% women. >> steve: the myth that title 9 allowed women to play sports in college? >> it would have happened anyway because at the time when they passed this, women couldn't get credit cards without a man's signature. women weren't going to bars alone or allowed to smoke socially. life would have changed. but now it's an equality law that pourtends -- just as many women want to play sports. now wrestling teams, track teams, men's teams are being cut. >> steve: battle of the sexes. i imagine you'll be talking about that tonight on "stossel" on fox business? >> and ticking off men and women. >> steve: which you've been doing for many years. thank you very much. next up, game show week continues today. we're playing in the in it to
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win it with host shadow stevens. hello, shadow. what's he trying o stick on her head? you'll find out next. first on this date back in 1993, "can't help falling in love," number one song good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. there's a new way to fighttables litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product.
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>> gretchen: it's day four of our great american game show week. today we're facing off with the game in it to win it. here to teach us how to play, former host of "america's top 40", shadow stevens! >> thank you. >> gretchen: love your tie. >> thank you. >> gretchen: very regal.
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>> steve: you're a busy guy. in addition to work for craig and we love you on "america's top 40", you got something new. >> i have a show that i produce called "blackout television." all black improv group from l.a. from the groundling theater. you can get it on itunes. it's an itune app and an android app. scroll blackout television. it's very hard to remember. blackout television. >> steve: all right. now it's time to do in it to win it. >> gretchen: i'm scared. >> steve: what's our first challenge? >> this is balls on the head. >> gretchen: excuse me? >> that's vaguely erotic. you're going to be boys versus the girls. you can see the head gear worn by maria. who has the balls? >> gretchen: well. >> we have to stand in position strategically. >> gretchen: wait a minute. what's the distance between the
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thrower and the head team? >> this is approximately eight feet. you're going to throw the balls -- >> can we have a timer? >> gretchen: this is going to be hard. >> i'm going to count you down. this is very complicated. it will go three, two, one. are you ready? >> steve: yes. >> three, two, one, and throw balls at the head. not sticking yet. look at him go over here. we got one here! you got two over here. that's three! two. oh, my god. the clock is ticking. he's got four. shocking! >> gretchen: peter, you're supposed to be a lawyer! >> good lord! they're running away with it. ladies and gentlemen, the tragedy. [ laughter ] you're all moving in closer.
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>> gretchen: well, i'm short. >> the clock is ticking. there are so many balls sticking to the heads of these. >> gretchen: watch out, this could be dangerous. >> eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. time's up. two, four, six, eight, nine. two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. the winner! >> gretchen: oh, man, maria. sorry. >> peter: what do we do now? >> hold the noodle in the air. throw the frisbees at the noodles. are we ready to begin? >> gretchen: should we go underhand or overhand? >> peter: let's go.
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>> three, two, one. they've got two already. >> peter: oh, my god! >> they're cheating. show them how it's done. >> steve: he's putting it on the top! >> i have long arms! >> peter: what do you think this is here! >> quick! grab more! >> peter: we're going to win this thing big, big, big! >> steve: oh, peter! >> look at him go. we're down to ten. nine seconds. grab them quickly. >> peter: one more, steve! yes! yes! >> three, two, one.
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(buzzer). >> gretchen: i got all of them on. >> we have to count them. two, three, four, five. six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 -- >> gretchen: you might get to top 40. >> they win! >> 28, 29. >> peter: big shout for shadow steves! >> steve: 40? oh, my gosh! shocking at best. >> steve: thanks for doing it. >> gretchen: thanks, shadow. >> steve: straight ahead, there is a world wide terror alert and the president goes on late night television to talk to jay leno about it. is that the right place? michelle malkin will weigh in on that coming up. >> gretchen: then there is the parents already -- these parents had 11 boys, so they were hoping to have their first girl.
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nope. they got boy number 12. those parents join us live, coming up. dy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar.
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vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop.
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can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. today is thursday, august 8, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your very busy day with us. fox news alert. multi state manhunt underway this morning. suspected killer on your screen. he may have taken two children captive. the father of these children live with us this hour. >> steve: and a 13-year-old white boy brutally beaten bethree african-american teen-agers. why are civil rights leaders like al sharpton staying silent on this? it happened down in florida. michelle malkin will weigh in on that in about two minutes. >> peter: and a woman trapped inside her wrecked car when all of a sudden, someone appears. >> whether it was just a angel
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or actual angel that came in and wearing the priestly attire, he was an angel. >> peter: did we mention that the road had been blocked off for miles? >> steve: whoa. >> peter: "fox & friends" starts right now. good morning. >> steve: we just made it back into the studio after that exciting in it to win it game show. >> gretchen: yeah. i'm glad that peter was preoccupied because otherwise i think we had a case against you. >> peter: no, i think it was a draw. >> gretchen: i cheated. i was playing the role brian ofn kilmeade. >> peter: we used a little self-help. but their cheating was tremendous. it was wonderful.
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>> steve: with the quiz show scandal back in the 50s, that was behind the scenes. this was actually televised. >> peter: this is quiz show and doping scandals, a lot of stuff. you lose the medal. >> steve: it's all part of the week, a fun week. >> gretchen: we do have to get to your serious news. fox news alert, massive manhunt underway for a killer and kidnapper still on the run. jim dimaggio accused of abducting the teenage girl and killing her mother, possibly also still has her eight-year-old brother or he may also be dead at this time. he allegedly set this home on fire. his own home. the children's father now begging the suspect, a close family friend, to surrender. >> jim, i can't fathom what you were thinking. the damage is done. i'm begging you to let my daughter go. you've taken everything else. hannah, we all love you very
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much. if you have a chance, you take it. you run. you'll be found. >> gretchen: that poor father will join us live at the bottom of the hour. are you waking up a winner? take a look at the winning numbers from last night's $448 million powerball jackpot. here are the numbers: 5, 25, 30, 58, 59 and the powerball is 32. we know now that three winners are going to split the massive prize. they're still going to be rich. lottery officials announcing the three golden tickets, two were sold in new jersey, one in minnesota. hopefuls say they know it's highly unlikely, but they always have a shot. >> my mother would kill me if i didn't buy a ticket for that kind of money. >> i got a great job and a great life. so a dream is a dream. but that's about it. but it's worth $2. >> gretchen: the next powerball jackpot, a mere $40 million. it may be proof angels are among us. the college student in missouri survived a horrific crash and
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rescue crews are crediting a mystery priest for her survival. they were trying to pull a girl from her mangled car for 45 minutes when he appeared out of nowhere. >> myself and one of the other firefighters that was beside me, we very plainly heard that we should remain calm, that our tools would now work and that we would get her out of that vehicle. >> gretchen: moments later, a fire crew from a neighboring town arrived with new equipment. they pulled the teen-ager out and the priest was then gone. she did suffer many broken bones, but her family says she's now doing well. and even more odd, the roadway had been blocked off for two miles from the scene and there are dozens of pictures of the crash scene, but that priest isn't in any of the photos. those are your headlines today. >> steve: meanwhile, in other news today, the trial for the accused fort hood shooter set to resume about two hours from now in texas.
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this after the trial came to a screeching halt yesterday. a judge called early recess after lawyers objected that major nidal hasan was putting up no defense. he was essentially presenting the prosecution's case. he was trying to get the death penalty. casey stegall live in texas with the details. he was trying to get the death penalty, wasn't he? >> that's what his lawyers are saying. certainly some people and legal analysts would say by observing his behavior on the first day that that's what he was going for. still no one was really expecting what happened yesterday. the court-martial was running ahead of schedule on day one, tuesday, and then as you said, come to a screeching halt yesterday. here is how it went down. court started about 45 minutes late. that's when the judge came in and said that the defense had filed a motion that morning to basically say that they did not no longer want to work for major nidal hasan if the accused gunman was trying to get the death penalty on purpose. remember, hasan decided that he was going to represent himself
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in this capital case, but his lawyers were put on stand-by to essentially help him as needed since the 42-year-old army psychiatrist clearly is not an attorney. in so many words, his stand-by counsel is saying they don't believe hasan was even trying, that he appears to want to be executed and if that's what's going on, they do not want to help. if hasan wants to put up a fight, they said they will stay. the stand-by counsel pointing to the of hasan cross-examining two of the 12 witnesses. his opening statements were two minutes long. the stand-by attorneys say they can't be a part of this if their impressions are correct and hasan is not putting up any kind of a fight to save his life. so there is a lot for the court to consider. that is why the judge put the court in recess yesterday. this could be a game changer. all of this is supposed to resume at 10:00 o'clock eastern. this morning, a lot of folks on pins and needles to see what happens next. we'll keep you posted.
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>> steve: thank you very much. now let's go out to michelle malkin. the federal government has spent four or $5 million to make sure this guy winds up with a fair trial and now he's doing everything he can to martyr himself using the court system. >> yeah. well, he has signaled that this was going to be his strategy for some time now and it is a travesty for the 14 victims who died. i think that's important. it's one of the forgotten facts that i pointed out in my column today about fort hood, that in addition to the 13 soldiers, there was one unborn child, because one victim was pregnant. and as this travesty unfolds, i think that's what the american people need to remember here, that their own government failed every one of those soldiers, along with the more than 30 who
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were wounded because this radical, deranged islamist was warning his superiors about the menace of islamic jihad within the ranks of the american military. he gave this explicit presentation to his superiors at walter reed where he warned about soldiers like himself. and he said, i am not the only one. he pointed to previous braggings and previous incidents of violence and the justice for the families, of course, has been delayed for so long because of our political correctness. >> gretchen: but what they're calling it, they're still calling it workplace violence and not terrorism. we'll continue to watch what happens with the trial. in the meantime, the president is out on the -- i was going to say the campaign trail. not really, but kind of. he's out on the
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campaign/economic speech trail and at the same time, he's also mixing in some entertainment. he went on the jay leno show and all presidents have done this i guess since bill clinton. but is this the new norm now? is this where we're going to go to hear about the president's reaction to these very serious international and domestic issues? >> yeah. this is par for the course for hollywood barry. i think it would be nice if he could save taxpayers money and build a comedy set at the oval office, give him a live band and a side kick -- oh, wait a minute. he has joe biden. he is the side kick. it is a perpetual clown show for these people. and, you know, to be fair to jay leno, at least jay was not a complete and total groupy, white washer and lap dog. he did ask him some serious questions. but is this the right venue, especially during a week when national security concerns are heightened, at a time when he's
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just about to flit off to martha's vineyard and connecting with the average american person. and really there was something else going on because after his appearance, and i pointed this out last night -- the white house admitted that barak obama was meeting with jeffrey katzenberg, one of the biggest hollywood heavy hitters, donors and bundlers for the obama campaign, and guess what? we didn't get to see that broadcast on national tv to see what they were talking about and what they were up to. >> steve: yeah. it is pretty extraordinary, though, given all the news going on and the first hard questions asked by jay leno, because the president, his communications team, the strategy is, keep him away from the white house reporters. keep him away from everybody. >> yeah. that's right. perhaps he should have his next white house press conference at the "saturday night live" set.
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yeah. you know, i wonder when people will really get fed up with the info tainment we've been saddled with. >> steve: we'll find out. >> gretchen: have a fantastic weekend. we'll see you next week. >> you, too. take care. >> gretchen: coming up, file for bankruptcy and now wondering how that will affect your credit? bob massi is here to help you. he's answering your top three e-mails. >> peter: and a hollywood smack down like we've never seen. the war of words brewing this morning between sylvester stallone and bruce willis. more on that ♪
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new lean cuisine honestly good. ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but... i'm sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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>> peter: welcome back. every week housing guru and star attorney bob massi joins us with the latest in the world of real estate. today we're going to be taking your e-mail. bob massi joins us live. good morning, bob. >> good to work with you always. >> peter: always the best. you're my partner. let's go to question number one. jerry from san diego, california. he writes, i filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and i included my home. i've been in the house ever since and the foreclosure process just started. do i need to make an insurance, hoa dues and utilities? will i be dinged on my credit for a foreclosure and bankruptcy? the answer is, bob? >> peter, you and i know that even if you file a bankruptcy, although that debt is discharged, that that lien is still on that house, the discharge in bankruptcy doesn't take that security interest against the home. so what's happening here and
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we've covered it before -- we call it zombie foreclosures, where these lenders just sit back -- the answer is yes. as long as there is title, as long as you still own that house, you still have insurance responsibilities. hoa dues is another issue. property taxes could still be your responsibility. my friends, as long as the title is in your name, you have legal responsibility. >> peter: so stay with it. don't walk away. claudia asks this question: i am legally separated in new york state. i am on the deed, but not on the mortgage. no payments have been made. if the bank forecloses, what options do i have? they need your help on this, bob. >> listen, the way it's always been and my understanding is, even if you transfer title to that property from one name to another name, you're still on that mortgage. you still have the legal responsibility on that debt. many times people get divorced and quitclaim their interest to
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the other party. saying i'm off that house. you're not. all you've done is transferred the title. but the lender was not a party to that. you still have legal responsibility. if that house is foreclosed on, you will still be responsible for any deficiency if they decide to go against you on that deficiency. so transfer of title does not absolve you of the debt. >> peter: know your obligation. ronald from detroit, michigan wants to know: i have a court judgment for $45,000 against a seller of a home i purchased and then the party moved. what can i do to collect my money? bob, what's the answer? >> if you get a judgment in state a against somebody and that person moves to state b, you have to take that judgment to that state and get what we call domesticated. in other words, that other state, that sister state has to decide was that a legal judgment? only at that point can you go execute against that judgment.
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get a lawyer in that state. have them get that judgment recognized. find out where they work. garnish their wages. if they have any assets that are nonexempt, go after those assets. but you got to get a lawyer to help you domesticate and get that judgment recognized. >> peter: i always learn from you, bob. it's always a pleasure. we'll see you next week. god bless. >> thank you. >> peter: she allegedly lied really big time to a state trooper to get out of a ticket, claiming her dad was dying. so what happened when the trooper found out about the alleged lie? he tracked her down. you're going to hear from him ahead. then they already have 11 boys. oh, my god. so they're hoping to have their first girl. nope. they get boy number 12. those parents join us coming up on "fox & friends" next [ male announcer ] what?! investors could lose
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tens of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401(k)s?! go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s
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built to blow your imagination. guts. glory. ram.
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>> peter: we have quick "fox & friends" headlines. look at this. a bull breaks loose at a county fair in minnesota, trampling bystanders. one woman's injuries so serious, she had to be air lifted to the hospital. the bull ran wild for about 15 minutes before being lassoed. and a woman vanishes after receiving a mysterious call about her stolen dog. she was last seen sunday in oakland, california. police found her car and two cell phones. she's a federal criminal investigator who handles death row cases. police investigating whether her disappearance is related to her job. gretchen?
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>> gretchen: thanks a lot. they already had 11 sons. and when this michigan couple got pregnant for the 12th time, they were hoping for their first baby girl. they probably had hoped that before somewhere in there. but their 12th time wasn't the charm. feel bad saying that. they welcomed in yet another beautiful baby boy. joining me now, the couple and hair 12 sons. good morning to you, all 14 of you. >> good morning. >> gretchen: i feel bad saying it that way because, of course, any beautiful child born into this world is just a miracle and a wonderful experience. let's be honest, after 11 times, you probably thought you might get a girl, right, jay? >> yeah. after the last couple we have kind of given up hope, but there is always that glimmer of hope. when the moment comes, you think this could be her and we're never truly surprised when he arrives. it's always fun hoping. >> gretchen: i understand you don't find out the sex of the child, at least you haven't on the first 12.
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so tell us that moment when the baby is delivered and what did you summary what did you -- you hear and what did you think in. >> it's always a surprise. even though we don't find out, but we assume it's a boy because the odds are in what we've got. but it's always a surprise. it's always a joyous time and it's exciting and it's a 50/50 chance. it always comes out a boy. >> gretchen: butted odds for -- but the odds for you. the odds for your family to have 12 boys in a row, has anyone calculated that for you? >> yeah. we heard a coupl different things. we talked to a lady last night that talked to somebody at the hospital and it was like .02. it's always a 50/50 chance to begin with. it's like flipping a coin 12 times and it's coming up heads every time. it's pretty rare. it happened.
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>> gretchen: we should introduce all your beautiful children. new baby is tucker. what's the toughest thing about living in a locker room every day? [ laughter ] trying to feel like i have control. control is an illusion. [ laughter ] >> gretchen: what about the feeding of these young men and tykes? >> that's the toughest part. they all eat, that's for sure. we go almost every day to the grocery store for something. and we do about once a week, once or twice a week to one of the warehouses and get all the bulk stuff, the cereal and bread and things like that. >> gretchen: jay, i have to say, i'm not chuckling at you. i'm chuckling at two of your broad chasing each other. i'm getting very stressed as parent of only two children watching this happen. how do you handle the stress of 12 children, much less 12 boys running around your house 24/7?
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>> it happens. >> that's the way it is. >> that's what goes on every day. the times when we're in public that the stress level goes up a little bit. when we're at home, it's no big deal. we can go in another room and shut the door or send them outside. but you just kind of have to let it roll off your back. we're pretty used to it. >> gretchen: i would say so. you come by this honestly. you were the 13th child of 14. is this it now or are you trying to go to your family's record? >> you know, people used to ask me that. are you going for 14? i would say oh, no. we never realized we'd get this close to that 14. >> gretchen: you might have to try at least one more time. you know what they say about the number 13. could be a girl. you never know. fantastic on your beautiful family. it's just fantastic all around and you have another beautiful child, tucker. thanks so much for joining us.
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we appreciate it. good luck. >> thank you. >> gretchen: wow. can you imagine having 12 boys? although sometimes they are easier to raise. it's the newest crime raise, the so-called sliders preying on women at the gas station. what you need to know about this latest trick. and we're waiting on news on the economy. nicole petallides is on the floor of the stock exchange. how many boys do you have? >> i think i have 1,000 -- >> gretchen: i'm not talking about on wall street. >> i have two boys at home plus a boy dog and boy husband. >> gretchen: you're outnumbered, too. >> absolutely. but i feel pretty lucky. it's pretty fun. let's talk about what we're going to see. we'll see the jobs numbers coming out shortly right after this commercial break. we'll bring that to you. i'm going to talk about some of the cities in america that are the best for business and careers. maybe you're moving. maybe you have someone graduating college or maybe you have a friend in that city that maybe you want to visit. that's all coming up after the
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break any last requests mr. baldwin? do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet? it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick tt n't repeed or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii!
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a quarter million tweeters is beare tweeting.f us. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this&is gonna be big. hp moonshot. it's time to build a better enterprise. together.
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it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar.
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>> gretchen: back now with a fox news business alert. brand-new jobless numbers just released. nicole petallides joins us live
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from the new york stock exchange with the big important numbers. what are they is this. >> all right. i was just talking to the guys of the 330,000 jobs, slightly less than anticipated of 336,000 jobless claims. so overall, we've been seeing jobless claims doing -- been in the right direction overall. but people are still dropping out of the labor force. you remember so well the guys out there that we saw the monthly number come in. we're seeing the labor force dwindling because people have ceased looking for work because they've been so frustrated. the jobs picture has been tough. 333,000 claims and the u.s. stock index futures are unchanged this morning. >> peter: nicole, a lot of -- in terms of jobs and in terms of places that are great for business and business enhancement and development, every city in america says they're the best. but i guess forbes has a list of what they believe to be the best
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cities for business in america. >> right. new york, we like to think we're the best. turns out they really are five best cities. this is for businesses and careers. before i give you the actual cities, this is the factors that they used to make the determination. jobs, the costs such as business and living, income growth, quality of life. also the education level of the labor force. i'm going to do it in reverse order. nashville, tennessee. lincoln, nebraska. raleigh, north carolina. don't forget in raleigh, you have a lot of the universities and that brings cheap educated labor. also brings a lot of business money as well. provo, utah. des moines, iowa round out. the number one for des moines. we've seen wells fargo adding 4,000 jobs in the last ten years. you see facebook adding positions over there. how about microsoft? another big one. this is really big. also in finance and insurance.
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just to give you a couple of other tidbits, atlantic city, we all love to go and maybe roll the dice. turns out atlantic city rounded out the whole list of 200. it was number 200. you know if you've driven through atlantic city, it's not obviously a booming economy there. san antonio, texas was the best of texas names. that was in the top 25. four out of the five worst were in california. that's not good also. tough news there. so overall, check on forbes if you want the whole list. it's exciting to see which cities are really the best. >> peter: really interesting. >> gretchen: atlantic city got decimated by the hurricane and governor chris christie bringing the miss america panellent back to try and boost some business of the that may bring a filmer of hope. thanks so much. we'll see you soon. let's go outside. is steve getting more ice cream? >> peter: i think he's got the best job to do inform no kidding. tcby, the country's best yogurt, set up a yogurt shop here to celebrate the fact they now have a silk chocolate almond milk
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froyo and it's fantastic. joining us now, we've got tcby international ceo neil courtney. great to have you from denver, colorado. i'd like your reaction to the number nicole was talking about. 333,000 first-time jobless claims. slightly better than 336 which they were expecting. >> i think right now based upon our current economic situation, any good news, especially from a consumer perspective, will help drive a little confidence. this recovery, since 2008, has been slow. obviously our business relies heavily on the consumer and any positive news will help our business in the long-term. >> steve: how have your franchisees been impacted by obamacare, the implementation of it? >> right now at this point, a little confusing, yeah. it's tough to say at this point in time. our franchisees are such that we
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don't have a lot that have that 50-plus employee base. but i think for small business in general, there is some concern about obamacare and the cost that it's going to incur. really the dilution of a solid work force. a lot of companies will be forced from going to a lot of full-time employees to maybe more part-time. >> steve: that seems to be where the real job growth is, in the part-time sector. for small business owners out there right now, and you deal with a lot of them, what's the key in this economy to making money? >> i think first and foremost, you got to have great product and service. that's what we really strive to do with tcby and mrs. fields. secondly, you have to connect today with the community. you got to get out of your four calls and you got to connect with your community. thirdly, you got to stay ahead of the game. our consumer is constantly changing. technology is advancing. the digital world is crazy. so you got to stay ahead of the curve and make sure you're going to stay ahead of the competition. lastly as a new business owner,
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you've got to go location, location, location. you've got to outflank your competition and you got to be convenient for your customers. >> steve: when it comes to locations, it's hard to beat 48th and 6th avenue. >> it is. it's very expensive, but it is. >> steve: round of applause for your boss, ladies and gentlemen. neil, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having us. >> steve: good luck with the froyo. >> it's the perfect match. there is a great contest, go to mrs. fields also great company for us. lot of fun. >> steve: peter and gretch, back in to you. >> gretchen: i didn't know they owned mrs. fields. tell him i just ordered something on-line as a gift from mrs. fields. >> peter: that wasn't there last night. now it's there. >> gretchen: it looks great. we got to do headlines. a warning, the video we're about
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to show is violent. a 13-year-old white boy brutally beaten by three african-american teens. they repeatedly kicked and punched him. one of the people under fire is the bus driver. >> leave that boy alone! leave him alone! leave him alone! >> gretchen: some believe it was a racially motivated attack. the kid had turned them in for marijuana, but the police says it's not racially motivated. >> the race difference between the victim and the defendants in this case is purely coincidental. there is absolutely no indication that race was a motivator in the attack. the motive was retaliation from a complaint or report that the victim had made earlier about one of the suspects that he tried to sell him drugs at school. >> gretchen: the victim's arm was broken and he had two black eyes as a result of that beating. >> peter: watch this. frightening new crime targeting women. it's called sliding. take a look because it's been caught on camera.
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thieves slide into other people's cars at gas stations and steal their belongings while they're pumping gas! police say in most cases, women are targeted. cops are telling people, roll up your windows and lock your car doors to prevent this. >> gretchen: good advice. ever lied to get your way out of a ticket? this story may have you thinking twice. 28-year-old carly pulled over for speed not guilty new hampshire, she told the state trooper she was youring to her dying father's side. he let her go with a warning. only problem is, she was lying. the trooper did a bunch of research, like googled and found an obituary. there he is. >> i contacted the hospital. they didn't have anybody staying there in their care under the name she had provided me. i googled the name of her father that she had given me and that's when i located his obituary from 2008. >> gretchen: so how that police officer went to the woman's home with a copy of the obituary and arrested her.
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oops. >> peter: and a battle between aging action here rose. sylvester stallone blasting bruce willis after it was revealed willis won't be returning to star in the third installment of "the expendables." willis will be replaced by harrison ford. the decision that apparently pleased sly stallone. he weighted, willis out, harrison ford out. great news. been waiting years for this. secretaries later he wrote, greedy and lazy, a sure formula for career failure. willis has not responded publicly yet. the date for the fight has not been set either. >> gretchen: for the fight? >> peter: ala rocky. that's not the real part of the story. sounds pretty bad. >> steve: game on. meanwhile, fox news alert. search for a suspected killer who may have taken two children captive. the father of those two kids joins us live next.
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my answer is advil. [ male announcer ] real people. real pain. real relief. advil. relief in action. >> gretchen: we're following a fox news alert. a massive manhunt, multi state one going on for this man, suspected killer james lee dimaggio and two children. he may have abducted hannah and ethan anderson, the two children of christina anderson, found dead in dimaggio's home. an amber alert remains in effect for the children. joining me now is the father of those two missing children, bret anderson. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> gretchen: as a parent, just as a human being, i can't imagine the pain you're going through. you've lost your wife. you don't know what's happened to your children. and you weren't there to be able to really know the details for yourself. tell us what you believe
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happened saturday or over the weekend. >> you know, there are 100 fferent scenarios have gone through my head of what happened and no one makes any sense. all i know is that he killed my wife, most likely my son. we're still waiting on the dna test. and he took my daughter. it's surreal right now. >> gretchen: so you may have -- you know you lost your wife. you may have lost your one child, your son. >> yes. >> gretchen: if jim dimaggio is listening to you right now, what do you want to tell him? >> tell him that like i said before, that the damage has been done. whatever you set out to do, the damage has been done. try to get your mind together and let go of my daughter. let her come home to me. for my daughter, you know what to do. if you can get to a phone, don't
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try to call somebody you know. you call 911 and you've been trained. you've taken the protection and everything like that and use it. i don't know what state of mind she's in. >> gretchen: right. we don't obviously know what state of mind jim dimaggio is. he was a friend of yours for 16 years. your wife and your children were at his home and you were away on business for the last three months in the state of tennessee. you didn't have a problem with them being with him because you've been family friends forever, right? >> yes. we have done many things together over the years. he's constantly been around my family, seen my children grow up from the day hannah -- six months before hannah was born. we became friends. you know, we've done many things together over the years. >> gretchen: what do you make of the reports that one of hannah's friends is now coming forward
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and apparently told her mom and she told police that jim dimaggio had told her about ten days ago that he had a crush on her? >> this was the first i've heard of this. just like you heard of it. i can't say for sure. i don't know what to believe. i would not see that, but anything is a possibility. >> gretchen: where do you go from here as a father and as somebody who has already had all this loss in your life? how are you holding yourself together? >> it's really minute by minute. i have my points where i'm able to function and then i have points where i'm not able to function. starting on all the things that need to be done at this point, it's just kind of a day by day step. i have a lot of support and we're just working through things on a daily basis and just
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hoping for my daughter's return. >> gretchen: how can people help you? we have so many viewers across the united states. i know there is this massive manhunt underway along the west coast and amber alerts in many states. but what can our viewers do to help you? >> viewers can just keep their thoughts positive for us and keep an eye out everywhere. he could be camping. if you're out going camping anywhere, look around for his car, you know. just report anything as quickly as possible. >> gretchen: we should mention it's a 2013 blue four door nissan versa, 6 wcu 986. it's jim dimaggio. he may have hannah and ethan with him. bret, stay strong. you have amazing courage to be able to even come and speak on television with us and our hearts and prayers are with you, sir. >> thank you very much.
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i do want to mention that there is in the works a memorial fund being set up. it's going to be anderson family memorial fund with wells fargo. out of sparks, nevada. a special thanks to andrew davis, michelle st. pierre for working so quickly to set something up. it will really help out. >> gretchen: all right. >> we will get more information out on that when needed. >> gretchen: all right. let us know when you have that and we'll be sure to put that out for folks as well. stay strong and we'll talk to you soon. >> thank you. >> gretchen: let's go back over to the guys. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. right now let's check in with bill hemmer with a preview of what happens at 9:00 o'clock eastern. >> tough, tough story there. a lot of information out there for the public to take in. so hopefully we can bring a resolution to that and good luck to bret. all right. good morning, everybody. ten minutes away. congress passed obamacare. now congress doesn't have to live with the law. how does that happen? the rules have changed again,
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america. we'll tell you what you need to know. also new information on the irs in collusion with other government agencies and stunning numbers that do not tell a great story about the direction for so many americans. we'll see new ten minutes. -- see you in ten minutes male ] running out of steam? ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle. need a little kick? (announcer) at scottrade, our cexactly how they want.t with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login...
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to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everi'm with scottrade. me. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine.
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>> steve: it would seem appropriate during the dog days of summer we would have a segment on dogs. and today we do. here is, you know him, you love him from television, famous designer, nate burkus. >> today we're going to be talking about the dog tour. a play date for -- tell us about it. it starts in new york city today. >> it does. it starts tonight in new york
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city. it's really something that i partnered with benefil, we're going to eight cities and encouraging people to get out and have fun play with their dog. really excited to be part of it. >> steve: and there is a big prize involved here, isn't there? >> well, there is a big prize for -- what we're really doing is we've got this play date tour action but also launching the beneful dream contest. we're going to spend $500,000 creating a park in your city. any dog lovers out there, if you can dream up a concept, amazing ideas for a half a million dollars dog park, beneful will come with me to create it. >> steve: that would make you the most popular person in your town. >> definitely among the dogs. >> how can people enter? >> >> steve: are you ready to go through a play date? >> you guys are facing off. i don't know what your relationship is like, but hopefully this will be fun for you. you're going to take clover.
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come here. what you guys are going to do is you're going to do this agility course. this is not serious. >> steve: hello? >> hang on. >> steve: what do you mean it's not serious? haven't you seen our show? >> exactly. >> steve: that's right. >> you've got to get a tennis ball here. these guys are both up for adoption. north shore animal league. they need homes. so walk them through the agility course. this they don't go up the ramp, it's fine. come on, dexter! >> go, go! come on. >> steve: wait, i thought i was supposed to -- >> i dropped it. >> steve: congratulations, maria. >> bring him back. come on, guys! maria's got it! nice!
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>> steve: get control, maria! >> come here! this was so great. so nice job. i don't know who won actually. i don't know who won. you guys, if anyone out there wants to adopt a dog, they're from north shore animal and they are fantastic. you can see they're lots of fun. really, really sweet, both of them. they need a home. >> steve: i know it. >> look at this face. >> steve: beautiful. you're good man for being out here today. >> my pleasure. fun with you guys. >> steve: we'll take a quick time out and be back in two minutes. maria, one more time! come on! ♪ [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar
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it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaoma, or can not empty your bladd, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and decreased sweating.
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do not drive,perate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you ow how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz. the most common side effects (announcenergy cycle... natural cats. they were born to play. to eat. then rest. to fuel the metabolic cycle they were born to have, purina one created new healthy tabolism wet and dry. with purina one and the right activity, we're turnin feeding into a true nature experience. join uat with purina one and the right activity, we're turnin ...and a great deal. . thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice.
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got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at >> steve: allall right. by the way, nate, that dog you gave maria, very friendly. if you know what i mean.
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>> yeah. absolutely. i think maria fell in love. there we go! not aggressive. happy. >> steve: thank you for joining us. the big concert com. come on down. good morning and fox news alert. a notion ondole we find a rather revealing "fox news poll," show overwhelming majority of americans believe americans are too dependent on the government handout. and they believe making charity too easy to get. good morning, everybody, i'm bill hemmer. welcome here to "america's newsroom." martha has time with the family. welcome back. >> you got it, i'm here. good to see you, nice to see all of you as well. these polls are stunning. record, 74%. three out of four voters tell fox news they think americans rely too much


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